There has never been a time when the need for businesses to borrow money has been greater or more urgent. Using this simple tool, you can find out which Government Loan Scheme your business is eligible for in under a minute!

To see the Government stepping up to the plate with unprecedented levels of loan support for businesses is positive in very many ways but if you’re unfamiliar with borrowing, it can be a daunting process to work out which loan support scheme your business is eligible for, the terms and obligations involved with the loans, and how you can apply.

Your understanding probably hasn’t been helped either by the regular changes to the schemes. In fairness, they were rolled out almost overnight so it’s not surprising the Government didn’t quite get them right first time. There’s also been confusion over which banks and finance companies are offering the loans and some pointed criticism in the media about speed of decision making and the time it’s taking for the money to reach applicants’ bank accounts.

If you’re confused and worried, you’re not alone. Recognising this, we’ve created something to help Chamber members sort their CBILS from their Bounce Backs.

Working with our associate finance business, Productivity Finance, we’ve put our knowledge of financial services to use and built a free, interactive tool that allows you to navigate to exactly which type of Government loan support is appropriate to your business and its needs.

All the basic information about the relevant loan scheme and how to apply is clearly laid out at the end and you can take things from there. If you want to talk to somebody about your circumstances, one of my colleagues at Productivity Finance will be happy to give you some confidential and impartial advice. Just ask for a call back.

Stay afloat and stay safe.

Neil Edwards, MD, The Marketing Eye.