Throughout the Covid19 pandemic there have been various government support schemes for UK businesses and as the landscape changes, often differing now in different parts of the country, the UK government continues to make changes to support packages for businesses.
The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme closes on 31 October and businesses will need to make any final claims on or before 30 November. The Job Support Scheme opens on 1 November, with claims opening on 8 December.
- The JSS starts to operate from 1 November and covers all Nations of the UK. For every hour not worked, the employee will be paid up to two-thirds of their usual salary.
- The government will provide up to 61.67% of wages for hours not worked, up to £1541.75 per month (more than doubling the maximum payment of £697.92 under the previous rules). The cap is set above median earnings for employees in August at a reference salary of £3,125 per month.
- Example: a typical full-time employee in the hospitality industry is paid an average of £1,100 per month. Under the Jobs Support Scheme for open businesses, they will still take home at least £807 a month. All the employer needs to pay is a total of £283 a month or just £70 a week; the government will pay the rest.
- Employers using the scheme will also be able to claim the Job Retention Bonus (JRB) for each employee that meets the eligibility criteria of the JRB. This is worth £1,000 per employee. Taking JSS-Open and JRB together, an employer could receive over 95% of the total wage costs of their employees if they are retained until February.
- For more information see the .
Do please ensure that you take advantage of this support package – Using the following link, you’ll find more information about the Job Support Scheme.