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How to use colour in your kitchen

The trend to using more colour in your kitchen is becoming increasingly popular.

Many of our clients are asking us about colour and how they can create the look they desire without feeling like they’re living inside a rainbow!

There are two important decisions to make when you introduce colour into your kitchen:

1. Choose a base colour

This will be the background colour you use in the majority of the kitchen. People often choose neutrals such as grey or white, but there’s no reason why your base colour couldn’t be a subtle tone of any shade.

Just don’t choose a colour that’s too vibrant for your base or you’ll feel like you’re cooking in a primary school!

2. Choose an accent colour

This is where it gets a bit more fun. Accent colours don’t need to be subtle – they can be loud and proud!

If you’re a bit uncertain about colour then you could start off by just using it for appliances (eg your kettle and toaster) or perhaps displaying flowers in that colour. If you’re feeling a bit braver, why not go for a block of your chosen accent colour, for example by updating your island cabinets with new, painted doors?

Choosing the perfect combination of base and accent colours

You need to put a bit of thought into choosing the right combination of colours.

A colour wheel can help with this:

Choose base and accent colours which are complementary (energising) or analogous (calming). Complementary colours can be found opposite each other on the wheel, while analogous colours are next to each other.

Examples of colourful kitchens

Omega kitchens have introduced a new range of kitchen colours, which beautifully demonstrate how colour can be used to create fabulously different effects in your kitchen.

In this example they’ve used a pale grey as the base colour with a big block of pink as the accent. The kitchen feels light and airy thanks to the paleness of both colours, but the splash of pink adds a wonderful warmth and vibrancy to the room.

Colours don’t have to be bright. In this kitchen they’ve used metallic colours, with a neutral grey as a base and copper tones as an accent. The result is a room that uses colour to create a very sophisticated space.

This kitchen is a great example of using complementary colours for an energising effect. This bright and welcoming room combines heather coloured cabinets along the walls with a block of turquoise stretching out into the room.

Find the perfect colour for you

Not sure which colour would work in your kitchen? Torn between sultry grey and jazzy turquoise?

Pop over to our website for a full guide to choosing the perfect colour for your kitchen.