07801 250 668secretary@uckfieldchamber.co.uk

A couple of days is a long time in the current climate so a quick situation report from Wealden Inspector, Jon Gross.

Staffing levels are still excellent within the Wealden team…we have yet to have anyone needing to self-isolate due to themselves or family member having symptoms. Two of our team are home working as they are in the vulnerable category due to pre-existing health conditions – as per medical advice.

Although we will undoubtedly suffer some sickness related absence in the weeks ahead I am confident that we have sufficient staff resilience to cope. If one of your area PCSOs is affected I will ensure we get a message to relevant Town / Parish clerks for awareness.

We are receiving a few emails about people and businesses working outside of Government guidance. Much of this relates to The Health Protection (Coronavirus Business Closure) (England) Regulations 2020. Environmental Health Departments lead on the enforcement of this issue so where possible please refer anyone reporting such issues to you accordingly.

Generally speaking, from a policing perspective, things seem to have calmed down considerably since the first few days of this crisis. An overwhelmingly responsible and caring public is changing behaviours to abide by the ‘lock down’. Businesses that have remained open have implemented protocols which provides some safety to their staff and customers. There were no specific anti-social behaviour calls anywhere on the District yesterday. We will continue to monitor this daily.

Our capability to provide reassurance and visibility remains intact, as does our capacity to target those still intent on committing crime.

Please continue to report matters where there is specific issue arising that you think we need to address.

Please also follow Wealden Police on social media – on Facebook or twitter.