07801 250 668secretary@uckfieldchamber.co.uk

Now that we are unable to network ‘face to face’ during these uncertain times of COVID19, here at Uckfield Chamber, we have been thinking about different ways of bringing networking online.

Not necessarily new to some business people is the concept of ‘twitter hours’. We have introduced a new Twitter Hour each Friday between 11am-Midday called UCC Hour. To run the hour more efficiently, we also have a brand-new sister twitter handle @UCCHour – just 50 followers after the first week but we have no doubt that this figure will grow – do please ‘follow’ us if you’re reading this and have yet to do so!

When you join us each Friday, the important thing to remember is to add the Hashtag #UCCHour to each tweet; this way we can ensure we respond and engage with you; we will Retweet and reply to every tweet during the hour, widening your reach.

During these challenging times, businesses can benefit from sharing their content on as many social media platforms as possible. So, whether you are on ‘old hand’ with hundreds or thousands of followers or whether you are new to twitter, we’d love you to join us each Friday.

During our inaugural session, last Friday, we gave a shout out to a few great Uckfield organisations that have made a difference during these early days of Lockdown; Uckfield FM, Uckfield Volunteer Centre, Uckfield Yoga, Uckfield Foodbank and The Picture House. We enjoyed 188 engagements during our initial session and hope that we can maintain and improve upon the initial momentum of last week.

Finally, thanks to Nick and the team at Youbiquity who are our #UCCHour hosts each week. Don’t forget the Hashtag… ‘See’ you virtually each Friday…