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We’ve all heard the saying “One person can’t change the world” well we now know that’s not true after one person ate an undercooked bat! But what is true is the old saying made famous by Peter Drucker “If you don’t measure it you can’t measure it”.

We all know that there are many different things that can and should be measured in a business and all great companies will have Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in place to measure outputs.

Right now, many businesses are getting ready to re-open their doors for the first time since the Coronavirus pandemic hit the “pause button” on our lives and left us wondering whether “normal” would ever return. Business owners and managers are deep in to planning the processes and thinking about PPE, Perspex screens, signage and stickers on the floor to keep their customers 2 metres apart. This is all important, and is necessary in order to be deemed as compliant and most importantly create a perception of safety for customers.

BUT… What will be critical for all the businesses that reopen their doors in the coming weeks is the way their team members perform. We all know that the people are the biggest asset in any organisation, and those on the frontline have the power to make or break the experience for customers and therefore hugely impact the future success of the business.

Ashley Pugh, Manging Director of W.Bruford the Jewellers in Eastbourne explains “We recognised that because our staff had been furloughed for a long period, it was important to understand how they were feeling about coming back to work. We commissioned insight6 to carry out a return to work team survey which gave each member of our team an opportunity to tell us how they felt about coming back to work. We were then able to use their views and feedback to finalize our plans, as well as respond directly to any concerns they had to enable them to perform at their best”

Getting feedback from the team is critical pre-opening, but also after the doors open too. Many staff members will be being thrust into a way of working which they have never experienced before and dispute all the best plans could still leave them feeling unsafe.

No business owner would ever knowingly want their team members to feel unsafe and so insight6 have developed a staff safety sentiment checker. The system emails every member of the team either every day or at specified intervals asking one simple question “Did you feel safe at work today?” If the employee answers “No” they are asked why they feel unsafe and an alert is sent in real-time to a senior team member or HR individual who can then contact the team member and discuss the issue and resolve.

Feedback is the breakfast of champions, so don’t start your day without it!

To find out more about staff sentiment safety checker or to discuss getting the best out of your re-opening plans do get in touch via paul.matthews@insight6.com or visit www.insight6.com.