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We are most fortunate to have a family owned, independent cinema in our town of Uckfield… And are pleased to share this heartfelt message from the Picture House owner Kevin Markwick…

It’s been a tough few days I don’t mind telling you. We have done all in our power to keep the cinema safe and open and I think we have succeeded pretty well.
The news over the last couple of days has been difficult to swallow. Not least James Bond being moved to next year. In all honesty I was hanging my shirt on that rather. I was also planning to use the Bond as the first major film in our rebuilt screen three. More of that in the coming weeks.
For the time being we are going to remain open, despite the dearth of new films. We have unearthed some great stuff though and it won’t all be to everyone’s taste, but then cinema never is. We are also bringing back Event Cinema’s greatest hits, opera from the Met and theatre from The National.
I grew up in this cinema and some of you have known me since I was a small boy running around the place. Some of you have known me more recently as the slightly grumpy old bloke. Rather like my dad, which is an odd thing to write I can tell you. Some of you may even remember him. Right now I miss him more than I can say and I haven’t said that for 25 years.
I’ve watched my kids grow up in our cinema and they love the place and also feel how special it is and they know how lucky the are to have been part of it’s long and incredible history.
We are not going anywhere, we are going to make it through. This place is too special and too important to too many People.
Our hearts go out to all our friends and colleagues at Cineworld and all the other major chains facing this. Exhibition is an oddly small business and the bonds are strong.
Please come and see us during the upcoming dark days and we promise to make you feel safe and wanted. And when it’s it’s over we shall rejoice together, exactly as you should when you succumb to the warm loving embrace of a film where it belongs. In the cinema.
Lots of love. Kevin. X