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At the beginning of October, Brighton and Sussex Medical School become the first UK based medical school to live stream a human dissection as part of their new virtual teaching technique. This event enabled the School to extend its provision of anatomy along with surgical teaching and training. The first session was for Year two and medical neuroscience students that witnessed a brain being removed. They also had an introduction session where they explored the muscles and bones of the chest.

In order for this breakthrough to take place BSMS which is a joint venture between the University of Sussex and the University of Brighton approached Ashdown Audio Visual which has been their specialist designer and supplier of audio visual technology for over a decade. We set out to design a system that involved the use of a number of pieces of technology including the cameras, the on-site displays and the streaming equipment and some very simple to use, but sophisticated control devices.

Sadly social distancing restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic have forced all universities, just like many other organisations to extend their work online. In the case of BSMS their curriculum is now based on a mix of face-to-face and virtual teaching. They have implemented a blended medical curriculum to ensure that their students can still receive face-to-face teaching in key clinical areas, while at the same time benefitting from the latest digital innovations to support their learning.

One of the students observing the activity stated… “It’s definitely a learning curve with all the new tech tools, but I really felt that I gained an incredibly valuable experience by being present during the session.”

Although this project was unique in a number of aspects, we have used the same sorts of technology in a range of other such as commercial and faith based premises to several of our clients homes and in outdoor settings. We would be delighted to discuss similar potential solutions with any future or existing clients.

For more information, please contact Ian Chisnall via email: ian@ashdownav.com