Pre Covid-19 the centre provided a wide variety of activities for older people living in the Wealden area. Covid-19 & lockdown have affected everyone, but one of the most impacted groups in our community have been older people and carers. We had to close our face to face group services but were able to continue with one-to-one telephone support and the occasional one-to-one face to face meetings weather dependent.
What we do!
Victoria Pavilion Support Centre welcomes those with dementia and extra care needs. The trained care team are able to provide professional care and facilitate tailored, engaging, stimulating activities including exercise, arts, cognitive stimulation and music therapy. All this as well as giving carers and loved ones much needed respite, advice, guidance and support. With the kind support of East Surrey Rural Transport Partnership we are able to provide accessible transport (by arrangement) to and from the centre.
What our service users say:
‘ Life was boring before I came along and now I enjoy the company, songs and everything in general, oh and the cake I like the cake. I get brought by my daughter but if I didn’t I would catch the bus.’ Chris
‘I was bored before coming now I meet friends and have a good chat every week.’ Cathy
‘Its a happy meeting place.’ Shirley
Funding & Support already given
Recently, we have been extremely fortunate to have had the support of Screwfix Foundation, Sussex Community Foundation and the Uckfield Lions. The money from these organisations will go towards refurbishments to make the centre Covid-19 secure and ready to open.
If you’d like to contribute to the Victoria Pavilion Crowdfunder scheme, please click HERE.