07801 250 668secretary@uckfieldchamber.co.uk

Well, the past year of 2020 can really only be described as horrible!

The virus, lockdowns, overloaded hospitals and so many deaths – totalling 100,000 very shortly. Maybe Spring is not so far off. The daffs are poking their heads up to see if it safe to come out. Polio is almost eradicated… and wasn’t that an appalling disease at one time?

Like so many other clubs, charities and associations we have been struggling along via zoom, trying to maintain some sense of normality and doing some fundraising. All social events are off, of course, apart from the occasional quiz.

There are just so many worthy causes that we would all like to help. During the last eighteen months, however, we have helped or donated funds to:- Myeloma UK, St Peter and St James Hospice, St Wilfred’s Hospice, Hospice in the Weald, Uckfield FM, Uckfield Foodbank, Uckfield Coronavirus Volunteers, CDA Family Support, a student award, Uckfield Housebound & Friendship Club, Children with Cancer Polegate, Student travel grant, Sussex Cancer Trust, our Young Chef Competition, Children’s Respite Trust, Uckfield Rangers trip, New Sussex Opera and several others, and we sponsored the Amputee Foundation.

On occasion we assist individuals with a specific need.

We make regular donations to ‘Shelterbox’, a charity which was started by Rotary although it is independent now. This charity provides boxes to disaster regions. Each box contains a tent and all basic survival equipment for a family of eight. In addition to this we contribute to our international HQ which can deliver aid or support for major incidents.

Every year we assist a young person to attain their dream. This may be to travel to a third world country to help with volunteer work, or study their particular chosen subject.

This all sounds a lot of work and a lot of money, but we actually enjoy this volunteering and get satisfaction from contributing. In normal times we have a good social life with club members and get to meet new people.

The main issue that we have now is our age demographic; most members are in their seventies and we have great difficulty attracting new members.

If you would be interested in joining us or would like to make a donation please do contact me, Bruce Broughton-Tompkins, on 074822 75811 or email bruce-broughton@hotmail.co.uk.