07801 250 668secretary@uckfieldchamber.co.uk

As a key stakeholder within Wealden District, your local Chamber of Commerce recently submitted an 8-page representation to the District Council as part of the consultation on the Direction of Travel towards the new Local Plan. We have had the following generic response that we are happy to share below and to encourage our members to read the consultation responses in full. Our input document sits within the members’ section on our website.

Thank you to those who took the time to provide us with comments on the Regulation 18 – Direction of Travel Document.  We had over 1702 comments from 304 respondents on the consultation.  Our website has been updated with our Consultation Summary Report.

We will be undertaking evidence gathering and further engagement to help inform and shape the new local plan. The timetable for the production of our local plan is set out in our Local Development Scheme. This sets out that we will undertake a statutory Regulation 18 consultation on a draft local plan (as currently projected) in spring 2022.

We are very keen to consult with all of our residents and businesses and other interested parties, therefore if you know of anyone else who may be interested in being consulted on our local plan then please feel free to ask friends, neighbours or contacts to sign up to our consultation portal database, so that we can engage with as many people or organisations as possible. Our consultation portal database can be accessed via our Local Plan webpage or feel free to contact us and we can assist. 

The Planning Policy Team, Wealden District Council
