Chamber member, Raystede are OPEN to animals and pre-arranged rehoming appointments and are planning to REOPEN to visitors next month.

A Raystede spokesperson said, “We were hoping to welcome visitors back to Raystede during May.  However, our flock of geese is still under cover due to avian flu restrictions so we wouldn’t be able to open the whole site.  Having only half the site open would affect access through the remaining area, creating pinch points and potentially causing distress to our animals.”

The welfare of their animals and ensuring Raystede is safe for visitors means that they will now open on Monday 7th June.  Entry will be free but you will need to book and details of opening hours etc. will be posted on their website and social media as soon as booking opens.  

Raystede is still very much open for rehoming or if you need to give up a pet so do please get in touch. The Raystede team can’t wait to welcome you back.

For more information please visit their website: or call 01825 840252.