07801 250 668secretary@uckfieldchamber.co.uk

You’ve just joined Uckfield Chamber of Commerce. And are looking forward to networking with members and enjoying all the other benefits of membership.

But you’re not sure what to write for your website directory profile to best convey what you do (and you’ve only got 500 characters).

And as for taking up the offer made to all new members to write an introductory post for the Chamber blog… Well, that feels like a challenge too far!

We all need words

Words matter. The right words matter most of all. But writing your own content can be daunting. I get that. You might know what you want to say but don’t know how to phrase it in a way that will resonate with your customers.

You might feel that you’re too close to your business to effectively capture the value you provide to your customers. You might find you’re using too much jargon.

And, on top of all this, you know you really need to focus on running your business and meeting your clients’ needs.

So, what’s the solution?

Rising above the noise

In today’s media-rich society, we’re bombarded with competing messages. To make yourself heard you need to understand what your customers are looking for. The problem you can solve for them.

Your introductory post can be as short as 250 to 300 words. Though you can write a longer piece if this helps you fully reflect everything you do and the benefits you provide for your customers. 

The art of persuasion begins with good quality copy. Which tells your story, helps you stand out from the crowd and gives you the opportunity to set out your stall.

I can help you discover your voice and communicate effectively with your customers.

Going beyond your introductory blog post, I can also write compelling content for your website, blog posts and case studies. Copy that will make the reader want to find out more. Move your website up search engine rankings. And win you more clients.

Drop me a line If you need creative, engaging content that gets more eyes on your business.

www.wealdenwordsmith.co.uk | chris@wealdenwordsmith.co.uk |

07854 129732