07801 250 668secretary@uckfieldchamber.co.uk

Since September 2020, Uckfield Matters has donated over £6000 to Uckfield’s Community Groups, PTAs and other organisations as part of our Community Delivery initiative.

Ever since the start of the pandemic last year, Uckfield’s community and youth groups have been hard hit – unable to meet, unable to fundraise: it’s been a quiet time for many of them.

Here at Uckfield Matters we wanted to do something to help, which is when we came up the idea of our Uckfield Matters – Community Delivery initiative: we invite groups to mobilise their volunteers and members to deliver 6,000 copies of Uckfield Matters every month, in return for a much-needed donation. Each group splits into 20 different ‘routes’ meaning just 3 hours of volunteer time per person or family. All our delivery routes must be supervised by an adult, but of course it’s great for the children to get involved, too.

Since we started the Community Delivery initiative last year, we have donated over £6000 to community groups including:

  • Rocks Park PTA
  • Uckfield Bonfire and Carnival Society
  • Friends of Manor Primary School (FOMS)
  • Uckfield Grasshoppers JFC
  • Framfield CE Primary School PTA
  • Friends of Harlands Primary School (FOH)
  • 1st Buxted Scout Group
  • Uckfield Brownies and Guides

And with plenty of other groups lined up to deliver over the next few months, we’re thrilled to be able to support so many groups in this way. Of course, none of this would be possible without our wonderful advertisers, meaning our purpose of supporting business and our community is a complete one! We’ve also recently added a leaflet delivery service, meaning more money can go to these important organisations that are at the heart of our town.

Here are just a couple of things that our community groups have had to say:

“Thank you for offering the opportunity for local primary schools to raise much needed funds through delivering Uckfield Matters. We delivered our box this morning, 192 copies!”

“It’s a great way of raising funds and getting these children out of the house!”