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East Sussex College are pleased to announce the Multiply Project. The aim of the project is to increase employees’ confidence and competence in maths, both in their home life and work life.

The College are able to offer a free, 6-hour maths course for any employees that are 19+, without a level 2 / C / 4 or above in maths (or equivalent qualification) and who live in East Sussex. Employers will receive £120 for each employee that attends.

Maths is important in everyday life, from helping with finances, to supporting problem solving skills; it is used for most job roles and can even be used for things like working out the time to complete tasks, working out the cost of travel, understanding loans, budgeting, portion control, measuring, weighing, working out discounts and helping family members with every day calculations.

As an employer, the College invite companies to pick some topics that would be useful for their staff to study. Some employers for instance, have opted to have an Excel slant on the course. If employees enjoyed the course, they could then go onto complete a nationally recognised qualification. We offer daytime and evening Functional Skills courses, both face-to-face and online.

If you are interested in finding out more about the project please email Katie.parris@escg.ac.uk