07801 250 668secretary@uckfieldchamber.co.uk

Countdown to Christmas in Words and Music:

Saturday 25 November at 6.30pm.
Holy Cross Church, Belmont Rd., Uckfield TN22 1BP

Join stars Robert Bathurst, Dame Felicity Lott and the Glyndebourne Youth Opera, for a full programme of Christmas favourites in music and prose. The evening is designed to suit all ages and tastes so come along, join in with the carols and help us raise funds for our Sussex hospices.
Early bird tickets £12.50 – to book simply CLICK HERE.

This concert is generously sponsored by Chamber members Parfitt Cresswell and Vince Taylor Tofts.

Christmas Gift Fair

Wednesday 29 November, 10-3pm
East Sussex National Hotel, Uckfield TN22

You are invited to shop at one of the friendliest local Christmas fairs with lots of exciting gifts for all the family.
Ample free parking – coffee and lunches available.
Early bird tickets £4.00 – to book please CLICK HERE.

For further details please ring 07860 435532.