Running a business can be a difficult and lonely place – even when things are going well! The reality is that building a company, and juggling the multitude of tasks, staff requirements, client projects and everything else can be very hard work. 

This is particularly true for most business owners, who were trained well whilst in their employed roles within their chosen industry, but in all likelihood have had limited guidance or support since on how to manage, grow, and optimise profit as a business owner.

Running a business and running a job are very different roles and there can be many gaps in knowledge, skill and awareness for business owners. That’s why having a business coach is useful.

We help you identify the gaps, and take action to get them sorted. We also help you stay focused on working ON your business, whilst the temptation may be to work full time IN it. 

Whether your requirements are strategy, marketing, sales, finance, efficiency, systemisation, leadership, management or something else, we can help you. We can also offer accountability, and a voice of reason with whom to sense check your ideas and to sound out opportunities for improvement.

As Chamber members, we are happy to sit down and have a 1:2:1 with you, either as an informal chat over a coffee or as a more formal business or progression review.  We’re excited to join the Chamber and to meet you all, so do reach out and get in touch!